Wow, did that month ever fly by. The kids were busy practising for their choir performance of "Cats", which took place on the 22nd. It turned out really well. All of the kids did a wonderful job. Unfortunately my pictures didn't turn out very well. I was sitting to far away for the flash to work. Got some great shots the the back of the persons head that was sitting in front of us! At least I remember to take a picture of them in their makeup before the show started.
May 22 was also Timothy's 10th birthday. We had a family celebration at Grandma's house the Saturday before. The weather was perfect and everyone had a nice time. Timothy isn't a big fan of cake so he had a birthday cookie. Aunt Pauline made one of her wonderful chocolate sheet cakes for the rest of us to enjoy. Timothy loved all of his gifts, but I think his favorite was the new "big kid" bike he got from Grandma and Uncle Michael. He had completely outgrown the smaller bike he had. He is really getting tall.
This is the last week of school. That school year went by way to fast. We don't have any special plans for this summer. The kids are going to take swimming lessons. They are both becoming excellent swimmers. John has to go to UCLA on the 17th of June for a liver biopsy. It's something he has to have done every couple of years just to make sure everything is ok. He's still dealing with some health issues. Continued prayers are appreciated.
Well, better get back to the laundry. We are having a party at the bowling alley for the kids today. Kind of a joint birthday party for them and their friends even though Catherine's birthday isn't until August. Her birthday falls right after school starts and coincides with Labor Day weekend so we decided to have her invite her friends now and maybe they would be able to come. Last year when she invited friends to her party at Grandma's house, no one came because of the holiday. Of course, this party hasn't worked out much better for her. She invited four friends. One had a death in the family and wasn't going to be home this weekend, one is moving out of state the day after school ends so they were too busy and one little girl we never heard from so we don't know if she's coming or not. Of course Catherine is pretty easy going about the whole thing. She says she'll still have fun "cause I like to bowl and my brother will be there with me". I told her we will do something special on her actual birthday with just one or two special friends. I'll try to remember to post pictures later.